Head Office: 0141 427 3988

Oakminster Healthcare
Delivering high quality care within a relaxed atmosphere to people in need of both general and specialised care

Our Care Homes

Oakview Manor

41-43 Newark Drive, Glasgow, G41 4QA

Tel: 0141 423 8525


2032 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G13 2HA

Tel: 0141 950 1793

Cumbrae House

4-18 Burnbank Terrace, Glasgow, G20 6UQ

Tel: 0141 332 5909

Florence House

70 Nimmo Drive, Glasgow, G51 3SG

Tel: 0141 445 0422

Chester Park

40 Lambhill Street, Kinning Park, G41 1AU

Tel: 0141 427 9967

Why Choose Oakminster

Oakminster Healthcare brings together a happy combination of well-trained experts and support staff in meticulously designed, comfortable and safe environments to deliver high quality care within a relaxed atmosphere to people in need of both general and specialised care.

Throughout the pleasant private and public rooms, the kitchens, gardens and treatment rooms, an Oakminster Healthcare Home radiates positive energy, a sense of order and calm. Residents and visitors alike respond to the friendly staff and the firm belief in treating each resident as an individual.